Sunday, October 25, 2009

V.I.P. Premuim Room in Top Models

For all those non members on Fantage, I have discovered a brand new cheat or glitch! Well, someone told me and it works! I know how to get into the Top Models V.I.P. Room!!!!!!! To get into the room just click the my home button in the bottom left hand corner when you are right at the top of stairs like you are going in the room. You might want to start at the bottom of the screen so you have enough time to move the mouse from the top of the stairs to the button. It took me a billion times to get there but it was worth just look at the pictures. The outfits in the room are also only for premuim members. One last thing, when you finally get to the room there will be no one in there but yourself. I don't know why.....