Sunday, October 25, 2009

Magical Pumpkin Game

This is just in! Fantage has released a new game called the Magical Pumpkin! The game is located in the Carnival. It is really fun plus it is a quick way to earn starz and chat with your friends. I would go and play the game if you haven't already.

How to Play: First to go to the game just click the large pumpkin in the Carnival. Next you have to wait 10 or more seconds. When it starts you have wink, jump, wave, or cry to try to fill up the caldron. Don't forget to try to do the action together with the other people to get more starz. You will have three rounds of this. After the three rounds the starz that were in the cladron will appear on yor screen. Click as many starz as you can. The top three people who gathered the most starz will have their names appear at the top right hand corner. Then you repeat the game again and again. Have fun!