Friday, October 30, 2009

New Random Stuff

Hey! Fantage put out a "How To Use Gems" sign in the Forest and Wizards Domain today. It helps new Fantagians by telling them how to use the gems they get and how to get them. Also I found that Fantage has a new Idle Timeout pade when you don't do anything for 15 minutes! The Fantage Trick ot Treat Candy Party has also begun! I have already found all gems and stickers and will post how to get all the pieces of candy later. Plus, this blog will be under maintance on Novmeber 1 and/or November 2.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ghost Riddles

Sorry if this is a little late to post this but who cares. The ghost riddles came out yesterday and end today. Be sure to finish the riddles and find the ghosts. The ghost riddler helps you keep track how many ghosts you found. The ghosts can be different colors like blue and red sometimes. When you found all 10 ghosts and answered all the riddles correctly, you will get a costume. Both non members and premuim members get costumes. The candle costumes are for non members. Below is a small guide to help you get all the riddles and ghosts. Good luck! Tomorrow trick or treatiing starts on Fantage!

Ghosts - Place - Answer
1 ghost - Mt. Fantage - Fansgiving
1 ghost - Uptown - Mali Boo
1 ghost - Carnival - Ice Scream
1 ghost - Beach - Romeo and Ghouliet
1 ghost - Lighthouse - Wrap
1 ghost - Castle Bridge - Scare Spray
1 ghost - Outside Castle - Mas Scare a
1 ghost - Creature Area - Ghoul Aid
1 ghost - Forest - Ghoul!
1 ghost - Wizards Domain - Trom bone

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween Schedule

Heyy! Fantage has put two Halloween Schedule signs in downtwon and uptown so we know what event and what days it is. This is very helpful. You also might want to go on Fantage every day this week so you have enough time to do all activites and get the prizes for each event. I'll post the Riddle Solving event stuff later today.

Monday, October 26th - Ghost Hunting
Tuesday, October 27th - Ghost Hunting
Wednesday, October 28th - Riddle Solving
Thursday, October 29th - Riddle Solving
Friday, October 30th - Trick or Treating
Saturday, October 31st - Trick or Treating
Sunday, November 1st - Trick or Treating

Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween Party

Hello fellow Fantagians. The Halloween Party is out and I am having fun catching ghosts. Fantage only released the Ghostbusting activity so far. I would hurry up and find all 15 ghosts because the ghosst activity will only be there today and tommorow the 26th and 27th. Fantage looks so spooky now that there are crawling fingers, black cats on pumpkins, old trees, pumpkins without cats on them, light up light at the forest, skeletons, ghosts, and a ghost buster. To go ghost hunting you have to talk to the ghost buster I think. After you found all ghosts, a yellow orange screen will pop up and there will be two items available. The skullheads are for non members and the costume is for premuim members. Good luck finding the ghosts. Well, you don't need luck you just need me....

1 ghost downtown
1 ghost in creature area
2 ghosts at mt fantage
1 ghost on castle bridge
1 ghost outside the castle
2 ghosts at the carnival
2 ghosts at the beach
1 ghost at the lighthouse
2 ghosts in the forest
2 ghosts at wizards domain

Blog Express

A few days ago Fantage released the Blog Express. It is a little screen that shows the two recent entries Fantage posted on their blog. To view more entries Fantage posted just click the "see more" link at the bottom. To go back to talk with your friends just click the "go back to play" button at the top. That's all for now!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

V.I.P. Premuim Room in Top Models

For all those non members on Fantage, I have discovered a brand new cheat or glitch! Well, someone told me and it works! I know how to get into the Top Models V.I.P. Room!!!!!!! To get into the room just click the my home button in the bottom left hand corner when you are right at the top of stairs like you are going in the room. You might want to start at the bottom of the screen so you have enough time to move the mouse from the top of the stairs to the button. It took me a billion times to get there but it was worth just look at the pictures. The outfits in the room are also only for premuim members. One last thing, when you finally get to the room there will be no one in there but yourself. I don't know why.....

Contest Hopeful Medals

Many people have been wondering how did I get the contest hopeful medal? Well it is a new medal for both non members and premium members right right now. I got it just by entering the Fan Art contest and the Comic contest. Then some people viewed and voted on my submissions. You can view my submissions too. My username is TopazGR if you don't know. Mine are not the best but I tried. The link is below is to submit your submissions. You may have to copy and paste it into the url.

New October Costumes

Hey there Fantagians! Fantage released new costumes and new furniture this week if you haven't noticed. The cosumes are on sale for this week only so hurry up and buy all of them if you like because the sale won't be going for much longer. Don't worry non members there is a costume for ya'll. Hope you enjoy the costumes!

Magical Pumpkin Game

This is just in! Fantage has released a new game called the Magical Pumpkin! The game is located in the Carnival. It is really fun plus it is a quick way to earn starz and chat with your friends. I would go and play the game if you haven't already.

How to Play: First to go to the game just click the large pumpkin in the Carnival. Next you have to wait 10 or more seconds. When it starts you have wink, jump, wave, or cry to try to fill up the caldron. Don't forget to try to do the action together with the other people to get more starz. You will have three rounds of this. After the three rounds the starz that were in the cladron will appear on yor screen. Click as many starz as you can. The top three people who gathered the most starz will have their names appear at the top right hand corner. Then you repeat the game again and again. Have fun!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Advertising Fantage Gems

Hey Fantage Gem members! (crickets) Ok, we need more people. If you want to please say "search fantage gems invitation in youtube" in Fantage to get more people. Your rank could go up if you help me or go down if you don't. I will soon be needing more people and I will adding ranks like vice president and such once we get at least five people becoming Fantage Gem members. Please help! Oh and btw the video when you search fantage gems invitation invitation is above.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Weekend Fun

Fantage released the Halloween backgrounds yesterday! Yay! (that rhymes lol) Also, Fantage released a Double the Starz event! If you play Type Boo and Jelly Fishin you will get double the starz the weekend. You might need more starz than ever since the new clothes that came out plus the new furniture and costumes coming out Monday! Fantage was sure busy this week! But that not all, Fantage also is releasing a new medal for those participating in the new COntest Corner but the medal will be awarded to the person with the most votes. I am not sure if that is true, Fantage didn't tell much about the medal so we will have to wait for Monday for more info. Thats all for now.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Backgrounds for Halloween

This week,but no one knows when, Fantage is going to release (drun roll please) Halloween backgrounds! Don't get scared if you are new to Fantage, but this happens every year. It will soon get dark and spooooky! Booooooo!

New Clothes for October

Hey Fantage Gem viewers! There are new clothes that just came out today! Woo hoo! The pics above are the clothes. But sadly there are no new furniture. Now go get some new clothes!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Halloween Party

Hey people! There is going to be a Fantage Halloween Party October 26 - November 1! Its still awhile for it to come out, but I can't wait!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Voting Center Now Open

Breaking News! The Voting Center has just opened! I never knew it would come so soon! Now go and vote and submit your designs to be voted on! Thats where I am going next.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


The outside of the Lighthouse is open even if you already did the mission. Too bad we can't go inside the Lighthouse. :(

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Updated Safe Chat

If you have safe chat,but most people don't, they updated it. The good thing is that they put more smiley faces on it. Yay!

Something New on Homepage

Hey! Topaz here of course! Have you noticed something wierd on the Fantage Homepage?
Well if you haven't they changed the "play" button to red. Now go and check it out cause you never know when Fantage changes something for example the beds.

New Contest Voting

Have you ever wondered how do they choose they winners for the Comet contests? Well, they need your help to choose the winners! I can't wait for it to come but when it comes out please do't forget to look at mine! You can rate and comment on other people's designs. I'll post more updates later. TTYL.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Snowday Contest Sticker

If you have been waiting for the Snowday contest sticker, wait no longer for it came out! Yay! I got two stickers. How many did you get from the contest?